trolley pub


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开放时间: 暂无

trolley pub



You don't really feel like you're pedaling hard, then you're sore the next day. We had a lot of fun!


I had a great time! Full price may be a little steep, but I payed half price with a special and that was a great deal. The driver was fantastic. The only thing that would have made it better would be if we we're allows to bring alcoholic beverages but it was an awesome way to spend an afternoon!


This was a fun and unique experience. Don't let the peddling concern you, there is a motor controlled by the driver, the peddling is just an extra boost for uphills or reversing. Worth the price $30 per person. Great experience to make memories with friends!


we had a group of 15 and had an AMAZING time with Greg our Trolley driver. it was a great adventure and super fun. i will and have recommended this to others and will probably repeat this again in the future!good fun had by all!!


If you enjoy a little anonymous attention, then this is the activity for you. Get driven (Greg was our most excellent, accommodating driver) around Clarendon on an outsized Golf Cart and feel like a D-list Celeb as you bar hop car-free.

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