the weir garden


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the weir garden



The garden is always a delight to visit, from the uplifting display of snowdrops in January, through Spring, with all sorts of beautiful spring flowers appearing in succession, into Summer, where there is a lovely area by the river to sit and picnic, watching the birds and squirrels, into Autumn with the fantastic colours of the changing leaves. All year, something to enjoy! The tea tent is an excellent addition, somewhere to sit and drink tea, coffee, soft drinks for the children, whilst enjoying the scrumptious biscuits! This winter Steve and his willing helpers have worked so hard, pruning and cutting back and planting. We see that renovation work has begun on the old boat house. Helpful, very friendly staff. A great visit, every time! I would add that there are some fairly steep paths, so not wheelchair friendly and buggies might be difficult.


Beautiful views especially on a summers day with a picnic. Absolutely gorgeous afternoon. Iv been here many times seeing the bluebells and lovely wild flowers and also buying veg and flowers from thier lovely garden! Beautiful day especially if your a member of the national trust so we get in for free!! :D


We went out to visit the National Trusts Weir Gardens on the Brecon Road about 3 miles from Hereford this garden used to be the gardens for the large house which is now The Weir Nursing Home and the Walled Garden is the one to see it's a working Garden and at the hut where you pay to walk around the Gardens they sell Veg and plants which are produced at the gardens. Spend the day walking around the garden stop at the side of the River Wye see the Swans and ducks on the river sit and take in the view from the deck chairs which are by the river take a picnic what better way of enjoying an afternoon you won't be sorry


Splendid weather when we visited, paid entrance fee and looked forward to a look around the garden with tea and cake in the garden . Garden very pleasant disappointed the refreshment where self serve in a tent :-(


Brilliant walk about by the river with great gardens beautiful snowdrops everywhere . Even more beautiful when all the bluebells are out. Sit a while and take in the views across the river it is a really enjoyable experience. Free entry if your a national trust member.


Visited the other day,it was cold and not many people were there.The swathes of snowdrops are magnificent in this riverside garden.The river being the Wye.Other flowers ,primroses,daffodils and crocus are starting to appear.This is a National Trust property and is very well maintained.It is accessable for wheelchairs and non ambulant people There are now 3 toilets at the top of the property,one being a very large wheelchair user one.There is also an honesty tea tent with kettle and tap,tea bags and coffee,a short price list and honesty box.There are chairs and tables inside and information about the site and the snowdrops.In about 10 days the whole of the riverside garden will be a blaze of colour when the other flowers are out.


Loved the terraced terrain and the beautiful scenic element and the walled garden was sweet nd of course signs of the Roman well was very interesting.


Richard and I walked happily through the Weir Gardens one morning in the summer, just after they were opened for the day's business. It was a beautiful day, the birds were singjng joyously, the river views were outstanding. Take a picnic!


Visited here with a toddler and 6 month old in travel system. Luckily the travel system has 'proper' tyres so wasn't too bad to oush, but anything else would have really struggled as very rough paths with lots of tree roots. Somehow ended up having to carry the car seat / chassis up two sets of steps as got to the bottom and had to get back up, there may be a way to do this, but we didn't spot it. There is a tea tent and toilet facilities which are always useful. Lots of activities on for half term week looking at the notices board.Very friendly staff


We thoroughly enjoyed our visit here even with the rainy weather. The grounds are beautifully maintained and it's like being in a lost garden.I think it would benefit from a proper tea room though as this would make us likely to visit for longer. Also, I didn't feel safe letting go of my toddler in the picnic area because there is no barrier between us and the river


We were visiting the area and are members of the national trust so always good to visit when you find a new one. It is quite a walk to the toilet If you are at the start and it is a little bit hilly in places for the elderly. There is a small tent with tea/coffee/soft drinks which you can have using an honesty box. There is someone selling local cakes outside the tent.Overall a nice atmosphere but they could maybe make a little more of this particular one.


This is a superb place to relax, we live close by and being members of the National trust have access all year round. In spring it comes into a glorious climax of spring flowers.We often pack a lunch and sit by the river here.The latest project close by is the kitchen garden the volunteers and head gardener have turned a derilict kitchen garden into an interesting project which is now producing great veegies some sold by the entrance. I know like us you will want to return again and again.


We have come to the Weir Garden many times over the last 10 years. All through the year there is something to see, including a beautiful stretch of the River Wye and, of course, the flowers.There is basically a circular path, with a couple of alternative branches, leading you round the garden. We tend to start off along the top path and return back along the riverside terrace.There is a flat grass area for sitting by the river, if the weather is fine.Last time we were there, an archaeological team were digging up old Roman ruins of a riverside villa. There isn't too much to see now but what looks like a hexagonal well is actually a Roman cistern.There is plenty of parking, a picnic area and a small ticket/information booth. On our last visit, a basic tea-room had been set up but I am not sure if this will always be there.There is also a "walled garden" area to visit.It is a lovely place for a gentle afternoon stroll. An hour easily sees you all the way round but you can linger as long as you like and just watch the river passing by.


Super place to walk near the beautiful River Wye. Terraced gardens are mostly OK for wheelchairs and buggies but there are some steps in certain areas. Worth a visit, facilities basic and no shop at the moment.


A small terraced garden, laid out on Italianate style, hugging a bend in the Wye. The snowdrops are incredible and brings the whole garden to life on a cold February day. Then, come back in March for the equally stunning daffodils.A most interesting garden in a constrained site, overlooking the peaceful Wye. There are two pump rooms, with one ram-pump still working. Beyond this is the walled garden, which is slowly being restored. No house but a tiny tea room

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