ancient stadium of philipopolis


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开放时间: 暂无

ancient stadium of philipopolis


A city underneath a city. Untouched by new buildings. The town of Plovdiv was built over an ancient town keeping the ruins in very good condition. Great to see!


Its located exactly in the heart of historical Plovdiv and you can enjoy a cofee almost in this stadium/There is also offered a 3d movie showin the history of Plovdiv through time.


The roman stadium looks very attractive but only a small part of it has been discovered. To get an idea of this stadium I'd recommend you to watch the 3D movie. Short but informative and attractive. Then, go also to the covered trade center Excelsior down the central street where you can see another discovered part of the stadium. I wish there was a bit more info on this attraction, feel like there's a lot more to be said and explained.


Very nicely renovated old stadium giving u real feeling of old Roman times while drinking coffee. You also can enjoy the view on the mosque next the square


The architects have done a commendable job presenting the stadium. Much progress has been made on the preservation and presentation of the site in the past four years. Well done Plovdiv!


I visited the stadium and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a great insight into the Roman world and would be great if more of it could be revealed. There is a cinema with a 3D movie for 3lev and it is worth having a look as it goes through some of the history of the excavation and what it may have looked like in the 2nd century


Even though only a small part of the stadium is visible it is enough to give you a perspective of the full size.Most people would say that it is just rock but there is something special about standing in a venue that it is more than 1500 years old.It is also an important part of the ancient city of Philippopolis, so if one is doing an historical tour then this stadium will be part of it.


Escavado abaixo do calçadão central da cidade, este antigo estádio é aberto para visitação, com entrada gratuita. Se quiser, você também pode assistir a um filminho 3D (pago) que tenta recriar as atividades do local. Lá há ainda um café muito agradável e que vende souvenirs da cidade.


Venía de pasar unos días en Atenas y la verdad es que me esperaba más de este estadio. Pero para los que no hayan visto nunca ningún estadio romano está bien. Gracias a una maqueta de la entrada te puedes hacer una idea de cómo eran los estadios romanos.


şehrin en işlek caddesinin altında olması etkileyici, restorasyonu da güzel yapılmış bence görülmeye değer


Lo stadio è una "novità" di Plovdiv. E' stato scoperto sotto il corso centrale della città e per il momento è visitabile solo una curva che è però in ottime condizioni.La cosa che più ci ha impressionato è il modo in cui è stato valorizzato il tutto: intorno alla curva è stata creata una struttura moderna che ne permette la visita e lungo tutto il corso ci sono dei cartelli che illustrano il ritrovamento.Ci pare di aver capito che il progetto futuro sia quello di riportarne alla luce il più possibile e trasformare il corso in una specie di passerella che ci passa sopra, permettendo quindi di ammirarlo dall' così fosse sarebbe veramente spettacolare.


Я помню, как выглядел античный стадион 6 лет назад: в центре улицы, на глубине 1 метра - полукруглый фрагмент мест для зрителей... На фоне внушительных останков античного театра и таинственного фрагмента того же стадиона в подвале торгового центра - не особенно привлекательно...Теперь же - это информационно-аттрактивный комплекс, гармонично сочетающий в себе и руины (частично восстановленные) все тех же седалок, и фрагменты крепостных стен и аквадука, и вход на стадион с НОН-СТОР фильмом о данной достопримечательности, и современный кинотеатр, где демонстрируется фильм "Римский стадион".Стадион стал точкой пересечения разных маршрутов по центру Пловдива и к нему можно возвращаться в разное время суток! Он того стоит!...Первое путешествие по старому Пловдиву лучше начать с информ-центра у стадиона, т.к. здесь можно приобрести выгодные билеты на все аттракции, в т.ч. и фильм!

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