edson cemetery


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edson cemetery



If one gets Kerouac and has been influenced by his writing then one must visit to pay respects and thanks. Simple and humble - a long way from Père Lachaise but fitting in its own way.


This seemingly boring cemetery is the burial place of Jack Kerouac (fairly easy to find since it has no grass growing from all of the visitors).


A solemn thoughtful place to pay your respect to Jack Kerouac. An absolute must on any visit to Lowell.


The cemetery was easy to locate but not within walking distance to other Lowell attractions. When we arrived, we asked at the front office where Kerouac's grave was, and they gave us a map. Without the map, it would have been difficult to find. Once we were to the gravesite, which was right off of one of the main roads, it wasn't in itself a spectacular headstone.


I had to visit Jack's grave on a recent visit to Lowell for a concert. It's pretty easy to find and is on the same road that takes you to Boarding House park( just rthe other direction). There is really nothing exceptional about the cemetary itself. We toasted Jack with a shot , took a quick picture and moved on. If you're a Kerouac fan it's definately worth the visit. It's not too far off route 495 and the Lowell connector.


Appassionato di Kerouac non ho voluto mancare una sosta in questo luogo.La tomba e' molto visitata da chi ha amato lo scrittore e ci trovi piccoli omaggi.Il cimitero poi, davvero diverso dai nostri, e' una piccola oasi di pace .Visitato ad ottobre 2011


Il cimitero di Edson è un po' fuori dalla città, su un lungo viale affiancato da diversi cimiteri. Si tratta di un cimitero "ordinato", con tombe di dimensioni limitate e indiscrete. La tomba di Kerouac è una piccola targa nell'erba sotto cui il poeta è seppellito con la moglie Stella. Sedersi sull'erba davanti quella piccola targa può dare forti emozioni, perlomeno a chi conosce e stima l'opera e la personalità di uno dei capostipiti della beat generation. Di fronte la stessa tomba nel 1975 sedettero Bob Dylan e Allen Ginsberg immortalati da una bellissima foto di Ken Regan.

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