palazzo chiericati


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palazzo chiericati

The Palazzo Chiericati has been the historic home of the Civic Museum...


Located right across the street of the Teatro Olimpico, it is impossible not to see the Palazzo Chiericati, which drew us to want to visit it. It is included in Vicenza's Museum Card and is, unsurprisingly, another one of Palladio's architectural masterpieces. It was built for Count Girolamo Chiericati in the 16th century and distinguishes itself by the impressive roofline decorated by statues. The palace has been part of Unesco's heritage sites since 1994 and has housed the City Museum and the City Art Gallery. We enjoyed the exhibition of Renaissance paintings, sculptures, and applied art.


An amazing building to see from the outside and a lovely local art collection on the inside. Besides the permanent exhibit, they had a local contemporary artist exhibit when I visited. As with all the museums, this one is professionally presented and well worth stepping inside. Enjoy


Visitors to Palazzo Chiericati get a twofer. First a magnificent building designed by Andrea Palladio. Second an art museum with interesting works from ancient Rome to modern Italy.The Palazzo is one of the first examples of a private-public deal that allowed the building to be built. Not having enough land to build the Palazzo of his dreams, Girolamo Chiericati bargained with the City of Vicenza to allow him to build on public land by providing a colonnade at ground level for the "greater comfort and ornament" of the City. Palladio then was able to project his first floor grand sala over the colonnade. While only four bays of the colonnade were built during Palladio's lifetime, the building was completed more than a century later to his design. Inside are decorations in stucco by Bartolomeo Ridolfi, frescoes by Dominic Brusasorz, Baptist Zelotti, Domenico Riccio, and Battista del Moro and the grotesques of Heliodorus Forbicini . The ground floor entry hall has a view from beneath of a naked charioteer flying overhead, exposing himself to the viewer.The Palazzo is still undergoing restoration and not all of its collection may be on view at any given time. Among the holdings are works by Paolo Veneziano, Memling, and Tintoretto. The attic of the North wing contains the personal collectiion of painting and drawings of Marquis Giuseppe Roi. The newly reexcavated basement houses sculptures by Nereo Quagliato. A combination ticket allows entrance here, the Teatro Olimpico, and six other museums in Vicenza. Pictures are allowed, but no flash.


This palazzo was designed by Palladio (the second story was added later). Contains some interesting art work. Favorite is the ceiling fresco on the room to the left as you enter. It's included with your ticket to the Teatro Olimpico (across the street) so the price is right. This site used to be on an island in the river before one fork was diverted.


The building itself was amazing - and I got a tour with my class by the architect who restored it so got a lot of background information. It is a beautiful structure and awe inspiring. The actual content of the palazzo, however was disappointing to me.


We enjoyed the architecture but we have small children so we didn't go in. I wish we could have since there was a Monet exhibit there then.


It is definitely the place to be visited in Vicenza! It's only some metres away from Teatro Olimpico! You'll be pleased with one more masterpiece of Palladio and art exhibition inside)).


We visited in August 2013 when a very interesting exhibit was on view of local portraits. It was not possible to visit the upper floors of the palazzo because restoration work was underway. Hope to be able to see it again on a future visit!


The Palazzo Chiericati is a very impressive palazzo by Palladio on the same square as the Teatro Olimpico at the end of the historic centre. The facade is very impressive. The museum itself is partly closed : the main galleries on the piano nobile are shut, but there is in the cellars a very charming exposition in the cellars, with portraits of famous vicentines, which illustrate the history of male and female fashion. Interesting, pleasant but not an absolute must-see. However it is included in the ticket for the Teatro Olimpico (which is a must-see) so a pleasant addition to it.


Great building holding the art collection of Vicenza. Perhaps the paintings are of greater historical interest than aesthetic. At least that was the case when we were there.


I added a day in Vicenza on to my trip to Venice, to see this art museum and the wonderful architecture throughout the city of Andrea Palladio. I visited the museum's web site (in Italian only, used Google to translate) and read as much as possible before making plans to visit on Sunday, May 6th. I was tremendously disappointed to see it closed and that nothing was mentioned on their web site regarding its closure! The only signage indication “closed for work” nothing about when it might reopen. Your ticket to the Olympic theatre is also good for the museum, but since it was closed, they give you a 2eu reduction to see just the theatre. The woman selling tickets had no idea when the museum might open again.


Across the road from the Olympic theater, the touristic magnet of Vicenza, you find the exquisite Palazzo Chericati, another masterwork building of Andrea Palladio, the Renaissance chief architect of Vicenza.The palace houses the local pinacoteca, an old fashioned painting gallery,For the same ticket as the Olympic theater, you may visit the rather dreary, dark collection of oil paintings.


Con il biglietto comulativo di 8 musei siamo andati a visitare questo bel palazzo Palladiano. All'interno del palazzo c'è la Pinacoteca con per lo più opere di artisti veneti e locali. Bella. All'ultimo piano interessante collezione di Roi con pezzi minori di notevoli di pittori anche molto famosi. Carino nel complesso.


Bellisima espressione palladiana e mostre sempre interessanti da vedere. Siamo arrivati tardi ed era appena chiuso, ma da quello che abbiamo letto e da quanto si può vedere fuori è un'ennesima opera d'arte del maestro Palladio. Da tornarci.


Palazzo nel centro di Vicenza , ben ristrutturato con massima fruibilità delle stanze espositive, il personale super gentile e attento .la Mostra di Lopez con pezzi veramente significativi dell'artista , sorpresa per la collezione dell'ultimo piano del Marchese Roi , una collezione che mette uno sguardo anche sul mondo dell'incisione con delle opere straordinarie , Morandi Picasso, Tiepolo ecc.da non perdere se si va a Vicenza .

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