dialogo nel buio


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开放时间: 暂无

dialogo nel buio


An occasional exhibition that was supposed to stay on for just a month has remained for a decade, instead, becoming the most popular attraction in Milan, through a never ceasing, actually a constantly increasing success: it is a smart, moving, memorable experience. An exhibition where you go to see nothing! You experience for an hour what blind people experience in their daily life: how to move, understand, appreciate, find your way and be safe merely relying on your aural as well as tactile sense. An unforgettable emotion, immersed in total pitch-black darkness. An emotion that is enhanced further when your visit is guided by a non-seer person: the self confidence, auditive sensitiveness and memory of these very special guides make you feel safe and tranquil, as if you were actually "seen" and guarded at each step that you take, while you momentarily panic in total absence of spacial perception. A true lesson of life, that makes you reconsider your whole perception of reality. Amazing. A must-see (not).


Out of all attractions - this was the one I was most looking forward to. My partner and I arrived on Wednesday 19th November, after a very long walk, to be turned away because there were only 2 of us, and they wouldn't provide an English speaking tour guide unless there was a party of 8 or unless we had an Italian translator present. Really disappointed.


SO..I was in Atlanta too visit my son in may and I decided to live this experience, which I highly recommend taking: a dialog in the dark. You are welcome to enter a room where a blind person (yes..a blind person) will explain to you what will happen when you cross over the heavy curtains that lie in front of you. He or she will hand you a sticker to "walk in the dark". You will became blind for almost an hour… you will enter a black dark room and you won't see a thing. This is for you to understand how blind people live. Along the walk they will stop, ask you to sit and smell, or touch around and try to understand where you are. They have fruit shops, grocery shops inside.. it is quite an amazing experience that will help you to learn more about blind people's life. Children? I would not recommend to take children in. They may get scared (it is really dark dark dark..) and if they are very young they won't forget this experience very easily. It is also very difficult indeed to move around in absolute darkness, trust me. Adults only. This is my personal opinion.


This is a very interesting and fun activity for the family. A blind Italian person guides you through various room that are completely in the dark. You use your other senses to 'see'. The whole experience is fantastic whether you can speak Italian or not!


Very nice and unusual experience. It makes u think and is definitely worth trying it, can be a little weird at the beginning but it is fun. Highly recommended...


I was a little intimidated when my sense of sight was taken away by the darkness but then I gradually adjusted to rely on my other senses and depend on other people for guidance. It's a unique and artistic experience that many will take a valuable learning from.


Worth the trip to Milan alone to see this building that took 500 years to build. truly amazing workmanship & as soon as you see it you are impressed. Fabulous stain glass windows too & free to do in unless you want the audio tour.


What an incredible opportunity for all! Everyone will take away something special after this, whether it be a stronger appreciation for your other senses or for the boundaries which come down when you become more dependent on one another. We were in a group of 8. We were a party of four( two teenagers ages16,18) and there were two other parties of two. After about 15 minutes into the hour it was as if we were all friends. Yes, we all spoke Italian but our guide also spoke English so just ask when you call for the reservation. ( Reservations are necessary) Also consider taking the last tour ending at 6:30 and staying for an drink in the dark after 7. They also offer dinner in the dark on Saturdays. Next time I am in Milan I definitely want to try that experience.


you are projected in a sort of nowhere place, where your senses are turned upside down. you're unable to see anything, you just stretch your ears and start touching people without any problem, as you've never done before.


I absolutely recommend it; it gives a unique insight that I believe everyone should experience once in their lives. Amazing and absolutely worth it.


I have visited this place with my University. We were separated in the groups of 7 to enter with our guide to the complete darkness. Our guide, Anthony, was very nice and helpful with guiding us through darkness. He spoke perfect English and he shared as well his touching story. After a guided tour, that lasted for 1 hour, we went to have an "aperitivo" with drinks and appetizers, all in the darkness. Bar is offering a live piano playing music.It was a soul and eye opening experience. After an initial uncomfort, I started feeling very comfortable and started using my other senses to experience surroundings. I would for sure do it again.


It's interesting to make the experience of being blind for an hour or two, in a safe place where different environments have been created (countryside, a street full of traffic, ...). You learn to recognize what you hear, smell and touch without the aid of the eyes. It is amazing how everything is familiar but at the same time difficult to match with what it is


This attraction is only for people who speak Italian we found out. Italian friends made a reservation for us by telephone ( the only way to get tickets) but when we arrived and did not speak Italian we were not allowed in.


I took my daughter through this guided tour of the dark world when she was about 8 years old. Stick in hand and with not even a glimmer of light to assist us we walked slowly and unsteadily for over an hour in an array of environments (to tell would ruin the experience of who those who have not yet been). This hour long experience will change you , allow you to use all your senses and maybe even think differently. Un esperienza unica che ci permette di "vedere" attraverso una multitudine di sensazioni e attraverso i sensi. Dopo un'ora nel buio totale siamo uscita avendo assaporato per un breve attimo un mondo diverso. Molto interessante e istruttivo.


Abbiamo fatto questo percorso con i bambini ed è stato affascinante e divertente per tutta la famiglia. Bravissima la guida. Indimenticabile e consigliassimo!

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