duomo di orvieto


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duomo di orvieto

Orvieta's magnificent Duomo (cathedral) is considered one of the must-see...






Just when you think you have already seen the most beautiful cathedral in Italy, along comes another one. This cathedral is one on those. It is situated in a smaller town and is out of the way, but the town and this cathedral is worth a detour. The exterior is phenomenal and so is the interior. A must see are the frescoes by Signorelli.


this fourteenth century cathedral has rare and beautiful frescoes painted by ugolino and by beato angelico. the facade is unique in the world.


This duomo is a 'must-see'.One of the most beautiful duomos in Italy.Fewer tourists and more time to enjoy.Orvieto and Todi are beautiful and slightly 'off the beaten track'.


Here is a project for all the young kids with too much time on their hands. Instead of gazing endlessly at Rihanna posters, start piling up marble with this stunning building as an example. Let's see what you can do. Start carving lace in the marble. Start sculpting helical columns....


A Fantastic visit to the Duomo di Orvieto. Full of art pieces it is a magnificent church. You must see the frescoes painted in the Cappella Nova with its late-baroque altar and panel of the Madonna of San Brizio. Likewise visit the section of the Chapel of the Corporal.


The sheer size and dramatic appearance of the black and white stripes down the side of the building coupled with the amazingly ornate front. Inside the enormous nave and the superb side chapels make this a must see for anyone visiting Italy. One of the truly great churches of the world.


The architecture of this duomo is spectacular. The whole piazza is really special. Be sure you enter the duomo as well...you will NOT be disappointed


This place is absolutely beautiful. The architecture is beyond stunning and the plaza itself is great too. Orvieto and this cathedral is a must when visiting Italy.


Sitting centre stage in the Piazza Duomo is Orvieto's stunning Romanesque-Gothic cathedral. The horizontal bands of white travertine and blue-grey basalt of its exterior makes it look like a giant zebra. But it's the facade that is absolutely the scene stealer. Its sheer flamboyance is in complete contrast to the very controlled arrangement of stripes and curved windows. Triangles, squares, rectangles and arches sit atop one another like in a set of children's building blocks. Surfaces shimmer with mosaics, their colours vibrant in the morning light. Statues stand in niches arranged in rows, a lace doily of stone holds the rose window high above the entry and recessed arches, each supported on coils of marble and ribbon braids of stone, guide the pilgrim to the large bronze doors which were created between 1964-70 by the Sicilian sculptor Emilio Greco, whose work is showcased in the nearby Museo d'Arte Moderna. On either side of the doorway are detailed C14th carvings at the base of the four pilasters. But there are just as many wonders inside. In the Chapella del Corporale is Lippo Memmi's Madonna dei Raccomandati, a larger than life Madonna, hands in prayer surrounded by figures of saints on one level and medieval characters at her feet, a brilliant piece of C14th rat. Frescoes in chapels, tiled floors and gloriously carved choir stalls make this one of Italy's greatest cathedrals. Certainly well worth a visit.


Orvieto's Duomo is stunning and it is thrilling to catch unexpected glimpses of it through doorways, up stairs and coming around corners. I did not go in, but enjoyed sitting in the sunshine on a bench across the piazza and watching the light play across the colorful facade. Will definitely be back to check out the inside!


The Orvieto Duomo boasts one of the most beautiful exteriors in Italy. Gorgeous paintings, mosaic work and sculptures. The interior is equally as impressive with some frescoes dating back to the 1300s. The side chapels are amazing. More so when you realize the 3D paintings and muscled figures pre-date Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. there is a gorgeous Pieta sculpture with Mary cradling Christ we thought more impressive than that in St Peters. And you can get right up next to it. We were so glad we made a detour when driving from Siena to Rome to visit this gem of a cathedral. An added bonus, Orvieto is a wonderful place away from the crowds and street vendors with a fantastic view looking down over the Umbria countryside.


The Duomo is a fantastic building to look at from the outside. It has an unusual design with a black and white strip. The front face has excellent sculptures also. However, the inside is quite disappointing. Very few structures on the inside and is no more impressive on the interior than any other regular church.


What is there to say: the finest, most complete and best-preserved LIVING example of High Italian Renaissance art and religious iconography and NOT over-whelmed by tourists. Simply glorious. Going to Mass there or hearing the "Gospel Concert" during the Umbrian Jazz Festival - magic

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