seven sheds brewery


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seven sheds brewery

Seven Sheds is home to the highly regarded Kentish Ale, Paradise Pale...


It has been several years since we first visited Seven Sheds so we found that their range has expanded and the newer beers we sampled are even better than the originals. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable and the setting is quite unusual. It's a good stop on the NW Tassie gastronomic trail (we went on to Spreyton Cider and Barringwood vineyard) and will be a great place to call in at for refreshment if the mountain bike track from Devonport to Sheffield and Railton goes ahead.


A pleasant length drive from Devonport so makes for a nice daytrip. The beers on offer for tasting were good- a pity not all were available. We enjoyed the brews we bought although one was quite expensive!!


The setup might be small, but the staff are friendly and the beers tasted good. They even grow some hops out the back for one of their special brews.Tastings are free but they only had five of their brews available for tasting - which was fine by me.


We had some poor beer in Tassie during our stay and we were not expecting too much when we got to Seven Sheds......but despite the weird location (in amongst the suburban houses) we were pleasantly surprised!This is great beer people! The staff were friendly and they have a cute little area were you can just sit and chill out and have a couple of beers.Favourites included the Paradise Pale and the Elephants Trunk.The only reason I didn't rate it as excellent was that the tastings were all done in the same glass and not washed out between each beer. Maybe a float tasting would be better, with a small charge - I don't mind paying $10 for a float of 3-4 beers so you can get a clean taste of each beer.Well done guys, keep up the good work!


Beer may be good but don't think that sampling it here adds to the quality brew. Really felt that when we rocked up we were an inconvenience. Very little knowledge passed on about what made the beer as individual as it is. Don't get me wrong, the beer is good, just not worth a detour.


Was worried we were in the wrong place when we drove up a driveway which looked like we were going into someone's back yard but we were pleasantly suprised when we were welcomed and were offered to taste the beers. Excellent beers. Excellent friendly owner. Loved the razzamataz. Had a better experience here than we did at one of the bigger breweries! !


We stopped in here and we did not expect much, the driveway looks like an ordinary entrance to a private residence. Inside however there is a great little micro brewery serving up some excellent beers. My favourite was their dark Belgian style beer. Worth a visit for any beer lover.


Drove into someones drive way, down round the back yard and there it was. Mini Brewery in the back yard. This place reminded us of a home brewer in the back yard. Did the mandatory beer and mead tasting which was kinda different. Some interesting flavours. Worth a look if your into your beers, and driving through the town of Topiary - Railton.


Stumbled upon this place during a recent trip to Tasmania and was very pleasantly surprised with both the quality of the craft beers they brew as well as the friendliness of the staff. The brewery is literally in the middle of a neighborhood in a small town in Nowheresville, Tasmania (Railton). By "middle of the neighborhood" I mean you pull into someone's driveway and -boom- house to the right, small microbrewery on the left. They had a couple of picnic tables to sit at outside where you can drink some beers and...stare at what I'm guessing is the owner of Seven Shed's house. Also, the cat who was hanging around the place was super friendly, so that ruled as well. Really awesome place to check out if you enjoy good beer.


Some great beers to taste a helpful and happy host. If you would like to learn a little about the brewing process and the different types of hops then this is for you. They have some really interesting beers that have been aged in wood - they are very pricey but sound wonderful

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